Unlocking Growth and Transformation in South Africa's Furniture Industry

Membership Application

Furniture Bargaining Councils

Furniture Bargaining Councils, previously known as Industrial Councils, are statutory bodies established under the Labour Relations Act of 1995 to promote economic development, social justice, labour peace, and workplace democracy.
The Minister of Labour authorises these councils and their agents to:

  • Create and enforce collective agreements.
  • Resolve labour disputes and perform dispute resolution functions.
  • Manage funds for dispute resolution.
  • Foster positive relationships between employers and employees.
  • Develop training and education programs.
  • Administer various benefit schemes like pensions, medical aid, and training funds.
  • Advocate for industry-related policies and legislation.
  • Determine non-negotiable matters for strikes or lockouts.
  • Provide industrial support services.
  • Extend services to informal and home-based workers.

Employer Organisations

Employer Associations, registered under the Labour Relations Act, represent businesses in collective bargaining with unions at the industry level. They negotiate wages, service conditions, and provide:

  • Advisory services on labour relations issues.
  • Templates for employment contracts and agreements.
  • Updates on labour related matters in the industry and across South Africa.

Trade Unions

Trade Unions are registered in terms of the Labour Relations Act as trade unions for employees in the furniture manufacturing industry.

National Union of Furniture & Allied Workers S.A.

  • Oldest Majority union in the furniture industry
  • Only Trade Union representing their members on all five Bargaining Councils
  • Parental funeral scheme
  • Legal advice and representation at the Bargaining Council, CCMA and established disciplinary hearings
  • CCMA and establishment disciplinary hearings
  • Any employee in the Furniture Industry may join this Trade Union
  • Sick Benefit society that offers the following services:
      • Doctor’s Benefits
      • Hospital Benefits
      • Spectacles Benefits
      • Confinement Grant
      • Dental Benefits
      • Funeral Benefits
      • Bursary Benefits

Chemical Energy Paper Printing Wood & Allied Wokers Union

CEPPWAWU works towards reaching optimal agreements with employers in the industry on wages and other employment conditions on behalf of its members.

  • A professional, united organisation, which delivers, upholds and promotes social and economic welfare on behalf of its members
  • Independent Medical Aid
  • Funeral scheme
  • Independent provident fund
  • Representation in Labour matter
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